Catherine McClellan is a psychometrician with diverse background from the design of the video scoring for the Measures of Effective Teaching study to the complex psychometrics of the National Assessment of Educational Progress. She has special expertise and extensive experience in the training and monitoring of raters/observers of complex performance assessment outcomes, the design and creation of monitoring systems to assure quality control of scored data, and applications of item response theory to sparse data designs. Catherine has developed specifications as the subject-matter expert and served as product owner in the build of several large constructed-response scoring software systems. She facilitates master coding “boot camps” where observers are trained to create and explain the examples that form the basis of observer training system.

Specialties Include:

  • Teaching practice observation
  • Rater & Observer training
  • Rater certification & calibration
  • Constructed-response scoring by humans
  • Data quality assurance and monitoring systems
  • Master coding
  • Video scoring
  • Instrument development and improvement
  • Performance assessment
  • Research design
  • Educational measurement
  • Specialized software specification
  • Psychometrics